Our Baby Blog

Saturday, January 27, 2007

karma doesn't miss a beat

well, no sooner did i boast of her six hour sleep, was i stricken with an actual breast infection, complete with fever of 102 which lasted for about 12 hours. additionally, and thankfully, hana has been doing marathon nursing which helps keep the breasts empty - the best treatment for the infection. also when she does that, she "tanks up" for the night so to speak, enabling her to sleep longer periods. she was on track to do that when a blissful sound sleep was disrupted by jon changing her diaper... she'd filled it good and jon didn't want her to sleep in it. i suppose that makes him the more benevolent parent because i would have let her sleep in it to avoid the blood curtling screaming that went on for the hour following that. and of course then at the end of that hour, she wanted to nurse again. she really didn't sleep all that well after that because she was up again at 3:30 and then again at 5:00 a.m. i wonder if we'd skipped the diaper change if she would have skipped the 1:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. feeding because she didn't nurse very long at either feeding, likely just for comfort. i'm willing to check it out to see...

i'm on antibiotics now and feeling good. we even went to the movies yesterday with hana and jenny and her babies (party of 5!) to see "the queen". very good. interesting going to the movies with 3 infants. it was kind of a quiet movie so you wonder how much everyone can hear... they really didn't cry, but you know all the grunting and sqeaking that babies do... fortunatley, it was a matinee and jon, jenny and i were the youngest adults in the the theater by about 40 years, it seemed. so as the credits rolled all of the more "experienced" members of the audience made a point to file past the babies and fawn over them and talk about how good they were. clearly, a very receptive, if not hard of hearing, demographic so we'll have to chose more movies that appeal to them...


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