Our Baby Blog

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

we had a fantastic day today. we started out going to church which was good, especially once i found the family room... well, it's not exactly a family room, it's called the "sacristy" or something like that. apparently it's some official part of the church but what i saw was a bunch of babies and toddlers crawling around having a good ol' time. and you can still hear what's going on in the service. i'm told that one adopts an attitude of prayer in the sacristy but i'm not sure those kids got the memo. they were swinging from the kneeling benches, throwing balls around, eating snacks, failing to share with one another... it's clearly where the party's at. you seriously, could have bowled me over with a feather when i learned that this was supposed to be some quiet, prayerful spot because to the 10 kids playing there, it was more like the church of cars and cherrios. jon was mortified to learn of the scene i described there. he stayed at our seats while i walked around; hana prefered to be on the move. but we both agree, blasphemy or no, we'll sit there next time.

after church, we went for a light breakfast and coffee. since we had a little time before we had to be to glenda and dan's house for further easter festivities, we decided to take a walk to the park for a glimpse into our future. however, minutes after arriving at the park, hana peed on jon (ha!) and her pretty blue church dress. apparently she feels that since he's returned to work, he has not been exposed to nearly enough bodily fluids. she rectified the situation in her own special way. so we went home briefly and had a wardrobe change. frankly, that was alright by me because i had 3 outfits for today: two dresses were size 3-6 months so it's now or never for them. one was 6-9 months, which will work for mother's day as well. fortunately, i never needed the third dress. note that she is really more interested in eating the blue dress than wearing it. and the 2nd yellow outfit not only involved a bonnet, but it actually coordinated with our outfits... i know, i know. it's all very stepford. don't judge me, it was a coincidence.

glenda and dan's easter thing was a big family celebration and easter egg hunt with all the kids (about 6 altogether, excluding babies). the weather was beautiful and it was really fun and relaxing. the food was great too. we also got the opportunity to take a bunch of great family shots in their fabulous backyard... i think i might live in their backyard this summer since mine is kind of a mess... anyway, happy easter everyone!!!!


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