Our Baby Blog

Friday, November 9, 2007

let the talking begin: almost 11 months.

hana has added "shoe", "duck" and (less frequently) "tree" to her repetoire of words. when you sing "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands..." she will. jon and i broke down and bought her a new toy... we've been reluctant because we luckily got a lot of toys as gifts and hand me downs. but even with all of those possibilities around, she prefers to play with the remote controls, water bottles, mom's "sippy cup", fire place pokers (which have finally been banished to the garage) and daddy's lap top. but she has been really showing an interest in walking so we bought her one of those walker things that gives her something to push along and balance with as she learns to walk. she LOVES it. the other night at jenny's house (party of 5!) she was playing with the twins and we tried having "walker races" with hana and charlotte (jack still gets dragged around a bit by his walker). it was pretty cool but they don't seem to want to go at the same time. charlotte generally takes the early lead and then hana goes after charlotte's finished. bit it's pretty funny either way.

she has sprouted 2 more teeth alongside her two top teeth. these two teeth gave hana a hard time which i'm sure was not helped by them coming in at the same time. she has also started being highly dramatic when she does not get her way (or when she percieves she's not getting her way). if you take something way from her, say the cat's tail, she flings herself backwards in a sqeaky whine and starts rolling around on the floor. it's very dramatic.


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