Our Baby Blog

Friday, September 5, 2008

little hana's growing up!

hana is like a sponge and seems to pick up new skills everyday. this video is from august, when quite suddenly it seems she started counting to 10. but of course, will only do it when there is no way there can be any photographic or video evidence of it... observe my feeble attempts to get her to count for the camera while she is more interested in getting ready to count (as opposed to actually counting), or helping me take the picture:

now, to be clear, it's not always reliably correct. for example, she pretty routinely forgets 2 and in this video, she repeats "...7, 8, 9..." several times, ending in 14.

but perhaps the biggest news of august was that she went pee pee and poo poo in the potty!!! she mostly does this at daycare where other kids are potty training. in fact she went poo poo in the potty before going pee pee at daycare, which they dutifully took a picture of (both process and product - i will spare you that)...

at home she has only gone pee pee in the potty twice out of about 20 seatings. she likes to sit on the potty sometimes. we usually try right before she gets in the bath because she has started the annoying habit of peeing in the tub. so i'm trying to put her on the potty when i know she goes so she gets used to it. most of the time however, she sits on the potty and reads her book or blows bubbles... but then urgently wants off the potty to get in the bath... to pee in it. sigh. we're trying to keep it low key around potty training. i know the old school way would be to train her right now, but i'm a fan of the new school because i think, when she's ready, it will go quickly. for now, she's more interested in flushing the toilet (which leads to a lecture from daddy about wasting water) but peeing in the tub. we'll be sure to get her straight before she gets invited someplace royal.


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