Our Baby Blog

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"I wanna go Nana's house."

We flew to Georgia to see Nana and the Great Aunt Dee Dee complete a half marathon in Atlanta. Hana got to have some fun at the marathon expo, like checking out this bungee trampoline thing. Hana was a little intimidated by the contraption. She got all strapped in and then was too freaked out to actually jump. Nice picture, though.
To the marathon, Hana brought a sign that she made for Nana and the Great Aunt Dee Dee. She had a little bit of trouble holding it right-side-up but it was awfully cute to see her there holding the sign! The marathoners seemed to appreciate it.
It was cold in Atlanta the day of the marathon. So, Hana was pretty bundled up. She hung out in her stroller and watched the marathon. Though at some point she got a bit grumpy from the cold weather.
Grandad was crew chief in support of the marathoners and organized the MARTA travels into ATL. Here he is on the phone, near the finish of the marathon. Note the tower in the background, still missing window panes from the tornado that had swept through months earlier.
Here's Nana, just steps away from the finish line.
Here, you can see here on the left, behind the photographer. That blue banner at the top of the picture reads "FINISH" and that bit of a blue strip at the bottom of the picture is the actual finish line.
Crossing the line! Go Nana, Go Nana!
Here's Nana with a smile on her face as she's just crossed the finish!

Marathoners and crew assemble at the conclusion of the event. Crew chief makes sure Nana gets a blanket to keep warm. Congratulations to the marathoners!
The Georgia visit wasn't all about serious athletic events, though. Hana got plenty of fun play time too. We visited a park near Nana's house with lots of play structures, room to run and jump, and even a monkey!
Here's Hana at the top of one tubular slide, about to slide down. This one was fast!
Here she is at the top of a smaller, tamer slide.

There were a couple of ride-on dinosaur toys at the park, which Hana thoroughly enjoyed.Here's Hana pointing out a monkey who came to visit the park.

Hana liked the monkey, but kept a respectful distance (not like with the cats).
Nana and Hana share an embrace at the park.
In addition to the marathon and the park adventure, Hana experienced her first actual ice cream cone. Here's the vid:


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