Our Baby Blog

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

6 weeks

hana is now 6 weeks+ and hana has been "sleep training us". she has more wakefulness during the day and i think she is working on dropping a feeding. but she is moving out of the phase where she just drops off to sleep like new newborns do. this is further complicated by her overall cuteness. you see, when you know she is tired and she really should be sleeping, she looks at you with those chocolate pools for eyes and you think, "your eyes are wide open. you can't be that tired..." for those of you experienced parents, you know that's just not the case. because she has not yet learned the skilled of putting herself to sleep, she needs us to do it when she's tired. more importantly, she needs us to recognize when she's tired early enough (the crying is a VERY late cue) and take the few minutes of undivided attention it takes to do it when she's relatively calm. i've been reading the "healthy sleep habits, happy child" book and it says that she won't be mature enough to learn how to put herself to sleep for another couple of months. so it's our duty as parents to defend against her laser-like cuteness assault (which she, of course, innocently launches - survival instinct - keeps them from being thrown out the window when they are screaming inconsolably when we've let them get too tired...) by nuturing and cuddling her to sleep when we know darn well that's what she's asking for. hana will teach her hard-headed parents yet... i hope.
oh, and one more thing... jon says that during tummy time on sunday (1/28) hana rolled over from belly to back! i have not seen this, but then again, most of the time that i am with her, i'm either feeding her or trying to put her to sleep. which seems like most of the time... jon's only home for one more month, which seems to be FLYING by, so i try to let him have as much play time and tummy time as possible. so he catches all this stuff. maybe he'll catch it camera...


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