Our Baby Blog

Thursday, April 10, 2008

for those of you statis-ta-philes out there i was able to get the length and height measurments from hana's 15 months check up. she was 26lbs 10.5 oz (although, it was apparently hard to get her to lay still for the measuring) and 33.5 " long. clothing wise, she's wearing mostly 2T clothes but now she's wearing some 3T stuff too. it just depends on the measurements the garments use. all of her 24-months clothes look kinda funny on her.

mood-wise, she's always a surprise. somedays she's grumpy and whines about everything. other days she's happy and silly and just super fun to be around. there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason for the shifts except when she's teething.

i have noticed that she has been saying some short sentences lately. the other night at dinner she said "me play baby" repeatedly. i don't really know if she was saying that she wanted to play with her baby or if she was telling me that she played with her baby that day (which is what she was doing when i picked her up from daycare). she has also been saying "go to sleep" in reponse to us declaring "night night time".

she is really beginning to enjoy bubbles as well and now says that word pretty regularly although it sounds more like: "buh-bohs!" and speaking of tiny bubbles. she also pointed to the liquor bottles in the bar and said "juice". i don't know if she's just generalizing all beverages in bottles as juice or if she's referencing that i some times refer to my alcoholic beverages as 'mommy juice".

one night at dinner, she was painfully cute and in the mood to sing. so naturally, i whipped out hte camera. one of these is her favorite songs right now "shoo fly", which she requests by name ("shoo shoo shoo!") or by doing the hand motions (tapping on her chest for "...I belong to somebody").

she is also a very big fan of "ring around the rosey"... especially the end part.

and here is "ring around the rosey" the remix...

i have been working on getting her to take the pacifier (aka "kramer") out of her mouth when she's talking. sometimes when i take it out for her and ask her to repeat what she's saying without the kramer she just signs "please" over and over again as if begging to have it back. she often smiles when signing please which makes me feel a little more guilty. and she never repeats what she was saying before i took it out which must make her think i'm some sort of sadistic manners nazi, taking away her kramer just to teach her to say please. sigh. i'll keep working at it and hopefully she'll pick it up...


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