Our Baby Blog

Saturday, November 22, 2008


we tried to involve hana as much as possible in this year's voting process on the hope that she may have some memory of this historic election. ms. leona has also exposed the kids to a lot of the election process by having the debates on tv for the kids and the historic speeches n' such. it really made an impact because one day right before the election, we were driving home from daycare and hana, (totally out of the blue, mind you...there was no debate or anything on that day), requests: "i wanna see brakabama!" needless to say, we were stunned... when we got home, we turned on the news and there was coverage of the last days of the campaign, and hana pointed to the screen and said "brakabama!" when obama was on, and then went into some sort of happy dance. and even now, when she sees his image in the paper or a magazine, she will call him out and request to see him. so if anyone has inauguration tickets they want to unload, i know a certain almost-2-year old who'd love to score a pair. HA!

on election day, hana wore her "vote for my better tomorrow" shirt. i dressed her in an extra cute outfit to go with it. she went to the polling place in style for sure. of course, at by the time that we took these pictures, at the end of the day, she was in the extra daycare pants with the broken zipper and she wanted to dress up like a tiger.

she had a blast at the polling place. we all did. we could really feel the energy and excitement in the air. and the line was kind of long (it took us over 90 minutes to vote) but hana entertained the crowds, and met a friend or two. i'm glad that she didn't violate any polling place rules by requesting to see barak obama repeatedly...


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