Our Baby Blog

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"the punkin patch"

this year, hana got to go the pumpkin patch twice: once with the cousins and once with daycare. it took 3 cameras and about 35 photos to get this group shot below. if i put all of them here, it would look like some wacky-toddler-mayhem flip book.

they had a little train there that hana enjoyed. fortunately i was able to go on the train with her, but i barely fit in the cars. there's not much leg room to speak of so jon was relegated to the sidelines to take pictures.

they had a small carousel there, of which, as you know, hana is a big fan. interstingly, this little merry go round is what some would call "more than a notion" since it was completely devoid of safety features (note my death grip on hana, and eventually, hana had a death grip on me) and as you will see in the video, it gets up more than enough speed to put wind in your hair. needless to say, there was only one trip on the merry go round, and hana seemed OK with that.

the very nice bounce house attendant gave the kids extra time and the kids loved bouncing, hopping, flopping, and falling around inside the bounce house.

we knew it was getting close to time to go when the kids started showing signs that it was nap time: droopy eyelids and big yawns.

on this trip to the patch, the big boys, cole and tony, went on several attractions together that hana and the twins skipped. but while on her patch trip with her daycare, she was tall enough to ride the big kid rides (!) so she actually rode a roller coaster! she apparently loved it... another thing she gets from her mother. (i have seen pictures but i don't have any to share).


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