Our Baby Blog

Monday, October 12, 2009

baby brother's blistering shower

i must apologize that is has been many moons since i last published. i am trying to catch up now but a lot has happened as you will see over the next few posts. bear with me...

august 29 was really really HOT! but that didn't stop the girls from throwing me another fantastic baby shower. we anticipated nice weather and i wanted something low key, casual and involving nadia's fabulous heated pool. the affair was a brunch thing which involved lounging ladies, good food (including nadia's signature dish, white chocolate and cashew waffles) and no shower games. the weather was beautiful... but near the triple digits... yowza! what else is a pregnant girl to do but spend the day wading in the pool?

not long after noelle and i arrived, i hit the water. that is where i spent practically the whole rest of the day (i did dry off briefly to eat brunch). the invitation told people to bring their suits but i don't think people really believed that we would actually swim. the couple of people who actually did swim were glad they came prepare. most of the others eventually dangled their feet in the water because the pool was just so doggone pleasant!but those that didn't swim lounged in the shade and we had great conversation. everyone looked so good too althogh some questioned why they were wearing pants!here's a shot of the gift table... we made out pretty well. lots and lots of cute clothes n' such.for those of you who don't recall the baby shower they threw for me with hana, these girls are masters of decor. the setting was beautiful and devoid of the cliched baby shower detritus...all in all, i couldn't have asked for a better day. the day was just supposed to be a couple of hours over brunch and swimming. but 6 hours later, we were all sitting around wondering where the time went. everyone was so relaxed and many people stayed way longer than expected as we all simply lost track of time. so many of the group have young children at home so it had been a long time for most of us that we were able to sit leisurely, poolside no less, and chat. it felt quite luxurious indeed!there were several complaints through out this pregnancy that there weren't enough belly shots... i must say it's hard to rally oneself for a photograph when you feel hot, puffy, sweaty and is as big as a house such that not even maternity clothes fit anymore. in fact, my swim attire here is really a running outfit because i'd outgrown my maternity swimsuit 2 months before. so there i am, in my preggo glory.


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