Our Baby Blog

Friday, November 20, 2009

first smile! - kai at 2 weeks

i just happened to be sitting on the couch with him. he was looking so pensive and alert, i thought i'd snap a couple of pictures using my cell phone. and then he smiled! i wasn't expecting that for weeks. how fortuitous that he happened to flash his first smile when i was poised and ready with the camera. lucky me! he didn't do that much later...
in fact, the day after this picture was taken, kai was circumcised. he didn't smile again for a week. but we showed this picture to dr. bean and he agreed that it was a real smile! so it's not just me. you be the judge...
and about that circumcision, i'll spare you the pictures, but yes there are some. jon took them. dr. bean invites photos and videos because it's such a big day. instead of doing the circumcisions
in the hospital right after birth, dr. bean prefers to do them in his office before they are three weeks old. i imagine that he feels more comfortable there. and frankly i'm down with that. whatever makes the dr. feel more comfortable when working with my baby's boy business is good for me too. it was quite an experience. i believe i was traumatized. but i'm glad i was there because even though i may never be the same. it's a huge decision do to it and it will forever change our son and i can't imagine not being there (like they do in some hospitals where they don't let parents attend or they only let one attend...). and besides, if he's a punk teenager, we can pull the pictures out and show them to his prom date... heh heh heh!


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