Our Baby Blog

Saturday, February 3, 2007


all i have to say is that it's REALLY a good thing that she's so darn cute. this week she did not do much in the way of sleeping for about 3 days. which means that every time she opened her mouth, fussing came out. or screaming. fussing or screaming. both jon and i had our breaking points this week and fortunately, the other was there for the hand off. on wednesday morning, after she wouldn't go down after her 5:00 a.m. feeding, it made me really ready to go back to work.

thankfully, on wednesday i also started a group for new moms. it really was not a moment too soon. we've only had the one session, but so far it seems pretty good. no one seems way off on any side of the parenting continuum. so we don't have any real earth mothers it seems who are judgemental if you don't use the finest all natural of everything. and we don't have any 2-nanny mom's who stopped by the group in between having their hair blown out and their pedicure (it's how i imagine a trump baby is parented, but perhaps that is unfair).

additionally, little miss muffet appears to be on yet another growth spurt because she was nursing constantly it seemed for those three days (monday -wednesday) and today, at seven weeks, her cloth diapers seem too small making for some rather diabolical diaper changes.

on thursday, it's like she realized that she shouldn't press on with her fussyness campaign without injecting a serious dose of cute into the household. i started to notice that she seemed to actually be smiling for the camera. so naturally, over the course of the next 24 hours, jon and i took about 150 pictures. "oh look, she turned her head... isn't that cute?! get the camera!!" we SO needed to see all that smiling. we also put her on the floor to play with her little baby gym thingie. that was really fun to watch too. she seems to really enjoy looking in the mirror (hopefully, not the begininng of vanity...). watching her play so much really gave us energy to carry on! that, and some 5 hour sleep stretches. thank GOD for small favors!

so one last note: we put hana in her pack 'n play (formerly known as the play pen for those of previous generations) for her nap (we're trying to get her used to that since we'll be taking a couple of trips soon where she'll need to sleep in it). one of our cats, bailey, has been curious about all of the baby's things (although, interestingly enough, not so much the baby herself... that's maceo who's into the baby). anyway, as soon as i stepped out of the room, bailey took his opportunity to try out this newest addition to the baby stuff taking over our house... it's was actually pretty cute to see him cuddling with the baby.


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