Our Baby Blog

Friday, November 20, 2009

"stomp the yard"

hana has become a fan of music and dance. correction, SUPER FAN! she loves all of the big shows: "so you think you can dance", "dancing with the stars", "america's best dance crew"... dancing with the stars, particulalry the results shows when they have the special guest performances, have been a huge hit for her. these all have come on after bedtime so ife we start them for she's settled into her lion king sound track, she'll sneak down the hallway to watch it... until she gets caught. she usually can't contain herself so she'll start dancing and of course that makes noise, which gives her away... we have to stifle laughs before sending her to bed because the whole thing is pretty cute despite her defiance...

when the broadway production of the lion king performed circle of life in the season opener, she watched it about a dozen times a day every single day for about 3 weeks. we tried to mix it up to get a little variety for us. sure, she liked the trojan marching band from the following week. and she really liked the step dancing. but she would finish those and ask for the lion king. i was growing tired of this so i hipped her to fact that she's not the only fan of the dance in the house. her budding fanaticism with musical theater she comes by honestly. i shared with her that i actually own the original broadway soundtrack to the lion king on cd and that she could listen to it at bed time. i have never seen her go more willingly and stay in her bed so consistently as she did on this night. and from that night forward, she has listened to the lion king every night at least 1.5 times before going to sleep. she has even learned how to restart the cd herself. well, anyway, she's a super fan now, but she is at least content to listen to the cd. this revelation enabled her to move on. to other things.., thank gawd!

so as i said, she's really taken with step dancing and did her own rendition. she chose to do it in the laundry basket for the superior sound quality.


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