Our Baby Blog

Friday, February 16, 2007

a river runs through it

jon has a cold. and hana has a cold. and there is a river of snot between them. it's not pretty. at first hana showed an impressive amount of tenacity in her resistence to the bubble syringe (it's a snot sucker since babies don't really know how to blow their noses, for those not in the know). but i wore her down. i guess she realized that she felt better after it was over. by this evening, she was smiling in between suckings. i know. it's a little weird but i'll take it.

my friend's twins had the same runny nose type symptoms that went away after a day or so. i'm hoping the same will be true for our little one. in the meantime, hana will just have to convalesce on the couch with her dad. quite a scene the two of them...

but just yestarday, before she was overtaken by sniffles, hana was her usual cheery self. here's a picture from the crib just before a nap. she's been doing more and more of that lately. napping and sleeping in the crib. it's GREAT! we took hana on her first road trip to "the ranch" this weekend and she slept in her pack n' play. we have the limosene model. it has a changing table attachment with storage for diapers n' such, a sunshade, a white noise machine, a vibrating matress feature. it's pretty sweet and she did just fine in it. in fact when we got back home, we put her down in the crib and she was less the thrilled with it's simple matress/slats/wood design. but she thankfully got over her "princess and the pea" phase and has readjusted.

funny story:

so i have noticed for the last several weeks that when hana is lying in our bed, she sometimes stares at the ceiling and smiles. this isn't just a quick thing either. it seems she could entertain herself for several minutes cooing and smiling at the ceiling. it kinda freaked me out at first because there is that movie that's coming out about the little kid who can see the ghosts and stuff... and then there's that movie "heart and souls" (which I LOVE) where they were friendly nanny-like ghosts... but one morning, i decided to get into her head and really see what she saw. and by golly if it didn't all click... i mean take a look at the picture and see for yourself. i wonder if she thinks the special milk comes from that one. do you think she dreams about the day she's big enough to reach it?


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