Our Baby Blog

Friday, August 31, 2007

because it's just so darn cute...

here's hana eating a nectarine in her mesh feeder


she actually ate a whole nectarine that way tonight. i'm sure the daycare people are going to be begging for mercy with the fruit since i'm sure she'll be pushing the limits of her poopy diaper quotient tomorrow... but i guess that's why we pay them the big bucks!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

boom boom queen

if you have not watched "flight of the conchords" (on HBO) you are really missing out on some serious funny! even hana likes it!

the pea video

so if you saw that picture and wonder how on earth those peas got all over the place, here's just a short snippet.

the ones called "da" - almost 9 months

can you believe it!!!! where has the time gone.
lil' miss muffet has made a number of changes since i last blogged... in short:
she weighs about 24lbs and wears 12-18 month clothes, pretty much exclusively. she's about 31+ inches long. she's leggy like her daddy. but she's also getting a little bit of the cute baby chub that has eluded her the last few months.
she's crawling now and is starting to standup while holding on to the things. she LOVES music and singing and dancing.

she has quite the repetoir of solid foods under her belt - from asparagas to mangos. she doesn't seem to be a terribly finiky eater but there are definately things she likes better (apples, sweet potatoes, peas, watermelon) than others (green beans, potatoes). she especially likes to eat juicy fruits (watermelon, nectarines, mangos, etc) in the little mesh feeder. but she continues to hate bananas and is not wild about avocados. the food she's eating now is starting to be of a thicker consistency and lumpier in texture. she's much more wary of new textures than new flavors. i think she gets that from her mother...

she also "talks" a lot. (can't imagine from which parent she's inherited that...) now prehaps it's just me trying to read too much into stuff, but i think she is starting to assign names to things. well, two things anyway. when i say "mama" to her and make the sign for it, she responds with "da". when jon says to her daddy, she says "da". sometimes, when she's playing and there's just one of us in the room she will sometimes start saying da, as if to ask "where's the other one?" in fact, she seems to repeat "da" when we enter the room. it's different then when she's more babbley and saying "dadadadadadada". i have decided that "da" is what she calls us.

also, she LOVES the cats and whenever they are around, she gets very excited and repeats "at". when i say to her "cat" and do the sign for cat, she repeats "at" and sometimes adds an "ssss" sound. one of our cats, bailey, likes to "supervise" her play on the floor. before she crawled, he would lay just outside of swiping distance, so despite her best efforts to grab at him, he was just out of reach. however, the day she started crawling, bailey was surprised that his security perimeter had been breeched. hana has, in fact, been very persistent at trying to play with "at" and has even "dog piled" bailey despite our best efforts to keep her at a respectable distance. she's fast, and apparently highly motivated. despite erecting new personal boundaries with hana, bailey remains a loyal companion. which basically means jon and i must closely monitor both hana's and bailey's efforts to "cuddle" (and by that it usually means one attempting to lay on top of the other. sigh.)

she has also started sleeping on her tummy with her butt in the air. very VERY cute.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The many faces of Hana

I put together this video from pictures I took of Hana at dinner on Tuesday night. It displays the range of expressions she can have on her face in a short span of time.

The many faces of Hana

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hawaii Pictures

We went to the wedding of our friends, Josh and Maxine in Hawaii at the end of June. I took some great photos at the ceremony but something went wrong with the memory card in my digital camera and I lost all of the photos I took at the wedding. The other memory card I was using during the trip was fine, however. So, although I don't have pics from the ceremony, I do have some pics from the trip. Here they are: