Our Baby Blog

Monday, October 22, 2007

"uh ohhh": hana at 10 months

hana is now 10 months old and i can't believe that time has flown by so quickly. we had an eventful weekend this weekend going to baby loves disco and to cole's 3rd birthday party. we forgot to bring our camera to baby loves disco so the only photographic evidence is on their photographer's website, but he got lots of cute pictures i think. hana didn't really have any naps that day but she still managed to have a good time. while i'm grateful she didn't have a meltdown, i wonder if this means that she will be one of those kids who gives up naps early, thus requiring her parents to provide non-stop entertainment from sun up to sun down... only time will tell.

cousin cole turned 3 this weekend which provided hana's first taste of the bounce house. she loved it.

developmentally, hana seems to be moving right along. she's been waving hello and goodbye. she also waves "night night" and will sometimes mimic the sound. hana now gives tight hugs and slobbery wet kisses. hana has begun saying a few words. she says "daddy" and "dada" and pretty much calls both of us that. sometimes she says "ma ma" but not enough to call it really saying "mama" in my opinion. i think she more reliably calls jon "daddy". as predicted, she also says "cat"pretty clearly and definately in reference to the cats (when she either sees or hears them). i would say that was her first word. she is also able to feed herself finger foods. her favorite foods these days are peas, cheerios, quesadillas and yogurt(although she doesn't feed herself that yet). she is interested in spoons but not really to feed herself, more to just chew on... she seems to be teething constantly anymore. she has also started a new cute-the-first-time-but-now-kind-of-annoying game we call the "uh oh" game. since she is now saying "uh oooh" and she knows that we say it after something has fallen, she thinks it's fun to initiate the action. so she'll start saying "uh oooh" and then look around from something the throw/drop. once she tosses the item, she then innocently proclaims "uh ooooh".

you might notice from pictures that she now has two top teeth and two bottom teeth. we have notices that she's getting 2 more teeth up top so they may make their debut in the next month. also yesterday, she stood, balancing with no hands for a whole minute!!!! she hasn't been that into to practicing walking lately while holding hands. she prefers to cruise around holding on to things. she's also got a pretty good power crawl so i think she thinks that just faster to get where she wants to go. she's definately showing a strong independent streak. i'm holding a good thought that it's going to manifest into positive leadership qualities and not a strong rebellious nature. a girl can dream can't she?